conditional compilation - definitie. Wat is conditional compilation
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Wat (wie) is conditional compilation - definitie

Conditional compilation         
In computer programming, conditional compilation is a compilation technique which results in an executable program that is able to be altered by changing specified parameters. This technique is commonly used when these alterations to the program are needed to run it on different platforms, or with different versions of required libraries or hardware.
Compilation film         
Compilation movies; Compilation films; Compilation movie
A compilation film, or compilation movie is a film composed of scenes and shots taken from two or more prior films and edited together so as to make a new film, whether on the same or a different subject. The most common example would be a documentary film on an historical event composed of footage from various newsreels and other film documentaries on the same subject.
Conditional mood         
Conditional tense; Present conditional tense; Simple conditional I; Simple conditional habitual; Simple conditional I progressive; Simple conditional I continuous; Simple conditional I habitual; Conditional I continuous; Conditional I habitual; The conditional; Present conditional; Conditional present; So-called conditional
The conditional mood (abbreviated ) is a grammatical mood used in conditional sentences to express a proposition whose validity is dependent on some condition, possibly counterfactual.